Elephant Branded – Education Is A Human Right

Last edited 17 November, 2022
1 min read.

Poverty and education in developing countries has long been an issue that many of us are desperately striving to rectify.

We’ve compiled some powerful statistics together that highlight why it’s an absolute necessity that we do everything that we can to enhance education in Africa.

Education is a human right that every child deserves.


– Over 40 million children are not attending school at all.

– Primary school enrolment in African countries is among the lowest in the world.

– In Sub-Saharan Africa, only two thirds of children that start primary school will finish.

– More than 1 in 3 adults cannot read.

176 million adults cannot read or write.

– Around 20,000 people die each day due to extreme poverty.

170 million children suffer from malnutrition.

– Half of the population of Africa lives on $1 per day.

32 of the worlds 38 heavily indebted poor countries are in Africa.

– Literacy rates have greatly improved over the last few decades, however still 40% of Africans over the age of 15 and 50% of women above the age of 25 remain illiterate.


Elephant Branded is a simple idea that two University friends, James and Tim, created after working in Africa and Asia.

Upon seeing the lack of basic school equipment and severe poverty, James needed to do something to help.

Thus, Elephant Branded was born.

Elephant Branded provide children with school kits to enhance their ability to learn. Also, by paying a fair wage to the local villagers who create their products they hope teach them valuable skills that will provide a sustainable and effective solution to poverty.


We’ve put together an infographic to showcase some of the great work that Elephant Branded do to help those in need.

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