No mud, no glory.

Last edited 21 March, 2024
1 min read.

Recently, five brave members of Team EDGE took on and conquered the Major Series 10k Mud Run, hosted by British Military Fitness.

Hailed as the UK’s best trail race, the award winning Major Series is perfect for those who love obstacles courses.

Despite its notorious difficult and strenuous reputation, team members Louise, Nisha, Ben, Jack and Adam stepped up to the challenge. Nerves were running high as their warmup was led by professional Military personnel but they were focused on the task ahead.

They crossed the start line as a group, however, naturally the boys ran ahead, leaving Louise and Nisha in the dust (or mud rather).

Our valiant runners were hit head on right from the off, as they faced a tough hill climb and a constant spray of mud and water. Gathering their breath was difficult but crucial and they soon settled into a rhythm (occasionally broken) that led them across the finish line, weary but proud with their efforts.

They never gave up (despite Nisha getting stuck in the mud) and we’re extremely proud of them. Congratulations to all five of them, especially to Ben, for finishing in the fastest time (1:48:31) out of their slot.

EDGE team member



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