The Importance of Email Marketing – Best Practices

Last edited 1 February, 2023
Industry Insights
2 min read.

A form of direct marketing, which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating marketing messages.

Now we know one definite fact about marketing – that without it no one would know or have any impression about your brand, product or service… it’s quite simply essential for business.

The digital age has firmly shaken the world’s hand and taken a seat in the boardroom of marketing considerations. Brands across the globe are innovating their marketing practices to consider consumer behaviour regarding digital technology and online interaction, and email marketing is right up there as a leading marketing practice.

According to the think tank organisation, Pew Research Centre, email is the most popular activity on smartphone and tablets. Modern technology has given rise to the possibility that emails can be opened anywhere and at anytime.

ExactTarget state, 90% of smartphone owner’s access the same email account on mobile and desktop.

According to a Smith-Harmon survey, 76 percent of subscribers have made purchases from an email-marketing message.

69% of email recipients report email as spam based solely on the subject line while 35% of email recipients open email based on the subject line alone.

(Source: Convince and Convert)

Email marketing not only influences online purchases but can also spur offline spending in the physical world.

So what does this mean? Well, there’s a lot to consider so here are our top tips to help you on your way.


Top Tips for Email Marketing

1) Create 2 or 3 business objectives – keep it simple

What do you want to tell your recipients and more importantly why is it of benefit to them?

2) Focus on quality rather than quantity

Hitting fewer people who your brand has developed a strong relationship with will result in far better results than hitting random people who don’t know you. However, there are times when purchasing a database can be a viable route but you must ensure the data is current and again quality in terms of your target audience.
Keep this database cleansed and up-to-date!

3) Create a tailored message

Ensure you understand what the point of your email piece is, because if you don’t then your recipients certainly won’t. Refer back to your list of business objectives; understand the needs and desires of your recipients and augment the creativity of the visual and copy so to evoke the reaction you desire.

  • Make the subject line stand out
  • Ensure clarity of copy and keep it simple
  • Get to the point of what you’re trying to say
  • Place a strong call to action that’s easy to see and act upon

4) Test and analyse the response

Have reporting tools in place to monitor the impact of your email marketing upon online activity. Test the emailer prior to distribution, make sure everything renders appropriately across different email clients.

A few key statistics to check post the email campaign are bounce rates (emails that weren’t delivered), open rates vs time of distribution and click-throughs.

5) Ensure consistency and continuity

An email campaign is exceptionally useful in stimulating and maintaining visitor traffic over a period of time. Understand your business objectives and gauge whether a burst campaign over a short period is best, perhaps for a sales promotion or a drip campaign where you wish to increase brand perception and awareness.

6) Permission is Paramount

To ensure the quality of your subscription list, devise ways in which you can obtain explicit consent to send emarketing to recipients. Create subscription areas across your online portfolio, provide downloads or helpful documentation that people can gain access to by supplying you with their data.

Permission is crucial to avoiding the possibility your emails become spam and end up in the bin!

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