Tough Mudder – Team New Hall Take to the Course

Last edited 21 March, 2024
1 min read.

Are you a tough mudder!?

We certainly have one amongst us at EDGE Creative. Our very own Charlotte Turner will be hitting the body-blitzing, heart-pumping, all-out hardcore 12 mile obstacle course that’s probably the toughest event on the planet!

A team of Special Forces have designed the obstacle course, which aims to test your entire being, from endurance and strength to the fight of your spirit, resolve and solidarity.  Tough Mudder has already challenged half a million people worldwide, offering participants a chance to unveil the true potential of their mind and might.

The training Charlotte has been going through is relentless … okay, perhaps not as they advise you should prepare, however Charlotte doesn’t have a moustache so we will let her off.

But seriously, Charlotte and the 10+-member team have been training over the last eight months taking plenty of trips to the gym with Billy Wright, another inspirational member who, as a professional coach is ideally placed to spearhead the training.

The team will be travelling down to London this weekend Saturday 4th May, ready to push their bodies to the limit to raise money for Cancer Research UK and could do with your support.

Whether it’s via their justgiving page or simply giving them a massive shout out on twitter!

Let’s help Team New Hall Mudders fight to remove a real obstacle in life; Cancer.

Here’s what the guys can expect.

EDGE team member



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