Christmas Marketing: How to get it right

Last edited 21 March, 2024
Industry Insights
2 min read.

Christmas is closing in on us and fairy lights will be adorned across the rooftops and overzealous snowmen and Santa Claus’ will once again be seen gesticulating in the breeze.

So what does this mean for your business? Well it’s the perfect festive occasion to tailor a creative message and raise your brand awareness about your services and products.

There are many mediums that can be used to communicate your seasonal message, it’s all about how.

Do you want to connect with people online with email, social or mobile marketing?

Perhaps a more traditional approach is preferred with beautifully crafted direct mail pieces where the material and design is essential?

Need some inspiration? Here are our top five Christmas Campaign Criteria:

Number 5 –  Social Media Campaign – Service and Product email marketing

Revamp your social media platforms to bring some festive cheer to all your customers who are socialising with you. Make the most of the festive period and generate more followers with highly creative Christmas messages for facebook, twitter, G+, your blog and more.

Number 4 –  Website Optimisation – Add a touch of festivity to your website

Prepare for 2014 – Don’t forget to give your website a Christmas Clean-up. There are many attributes to a website that must be monitored to ensure your online presence is glowing like a Christmas tree.

Navigation – Think, if you were your customer, what would you want from your website?
Make sure your website is easy to follow and visitors can find exactly what they’re looking for.

Design – Visitors will leave your website within 10-20 seconds unless you can retain their attention. Design is a critical component to ensure you maximise engagement and audience retention. 

Social – Browsing behaviour is constantly evolving and with the rise of social media, visitors are expecting brands to offer more via social channels. Use these channels as an extra resource for your visitors to discover and research more about your offering. Of course, don’t neglect the fact you must engage users to truly maximise your social environment’s worth.

Infographic by Mashable – The best gifts for your website – Zoe Fox 

Number 3 – Email Marketing Design – Service and Product email marketing

Design a Christmas themed newsletter and schedule tailored content to your target audience into 2014 – keeping them informed and up-to-date with the many benefits you offer.

Please click the image below to see a larger example

Number 2 -Print Advertisements – PRO BTP Builders Insurance

A tongue-and-cheek advert (excuse the pun) using a popular stereotype about construction workers and “the builders bum”. Target your audience with humour; it’s said “if you are sending advertisements to your audience at least entertain them.”

Number 1 – Flash, jQuery or Short video – John Lewis – Snowmen Love Story

It just had to be didn’t it? The magical tale of what Christmas should be all about, depicted by Christmas icons, Snowmen; one Snowman in particular who purchases the “perfect” gift from John Lewis.

Get in touch and we’ll show you how we can help grow your business – 0121 355 8092 or email

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