Get Your Brand Ready For Christmas!

Last edited 17 November, 2022
Industry Insights
2 min read.


With only 8 short weeks left to prepare for Christmas, there is no time like the present to begin your Christmas Marketing campaigns.

Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to do each year, and sometimes it can go terribly wrong but as long as you take the right steps you are sure to impress!

There is one brand that we are big fans of that always seem to do it right every year. In fact, a lot of people suggest that it isn’t Christmas until their television adverts are showing the famously festive advert from Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola do not differ too far from their original 1931 ‘Holidays are coming” themed Christmas Marketing, and why would they? It works! So if you’re looking for a little inspiration this year, take a leaf out of Coca-Cola’s book and get your Christmas Marketing right every time.


Here are some of our top tips to get your Brand ready for Christmas!

1. Ask yourself how can you be original?

Far too often generic Christmas promotions are reused and recycled each year. If you want to stand out from the crowd you will need to take a look at your brand and figure out what makes you different, and then use that to show your personality through your Christmas Marketing!

2. T’is the season of giving.

Everybody loves presents! Giving gifts to your clients and customers is a great way to ensure they think of you this Christmas, particularly if they are branded. We offer a range of promotional gifts for you to choose from that are sure to suit your clients or customers needs.

3. What is everybody else doing?

Research is your best friend when it comes to figuring out what your Christmas Marketing campaign should look like. Have a look at what your competition is doing. What does their Christmas Marketing lack that you could potentially harness?

4. Learn from Christmas Past.

The best way to decide what should be happening this year, is to take a look back at what happened last year. What worked well? Which promotional offers developed the most interest? Which E-Marketing subject lines generated the best click-through rates? This is all information that is vital in learning how to best promote your brand this Christmas.

5. Keep it simple!

Every year there is always one house that is completely decked out in garish fairy lights and jolly inflatable Santa’s that we all gawk at in disbelief. It’s exactly the same for Christmas Marketing. Keep it simple and tasteful and you will be sure to stand out for the right reasons.


Get in touch via email or call 0121 355 8092 and see what EDGE can do for your brand this Christmas and into 2014. 



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