The Benefits of Mobile Marketing

Last edited 21 March, 2024
Website Development, SEO & CRO
2 min read.

Mobile development will be a mammoth growth area in 2013, as more and more people become familiar with digital technology, mobile phones will become an ever more useful tool for consumers to browse information, products and services.

Seth Godin, coined ‘Americas Greatest Marketer’, states the industrial age is diminishing and we’re now entering a new economy called the connection economy. Impetus will be placed upon making relationships and connections rather than designing new factories and price innovation.

A brand must be prepared to communicate via numerous channels and mobile web browsing is a major consideration that many brands haven’t totally taken advantage of – big mistake!

Optimising your website for mobile should be a key concern and you should be thinking about it now, because right now, your customers are searching for you online via their mobile devices.

At the end of 2012 mobile and tablet browsing accounted for more than 10% of all browsing across the planet. In 2013 mobile browsing is expected to surpass PC browsing by 100million units.

When analysing your marketing strategy, no one channel is, or should be viewed as, superior to another. One must consider the various mediums that can be combined to effectively target your audience and best express your brand values.

Mobile websites are an important development and we’d bet our homes on the probability that you’ve accessed a mobile website in the last year but have you thought about how your brand could take advantage of this engaging platform?

While in contemplation, consider the following social and environmental factors…

Consumer Behaviour

A Way of Life

Smartphone users spend an average of 2 hours a day on their devices, 81% of which is spent in applications – Source: Tapjoy, Raconteur

Appreciate Added Value

Providing customers greater possibilities to communicate and interact with your brand will develop closer relationships with customers and encourage loyalty.

Age of Data Distribution

Consumers are far more acceptant of sharing their data. Mobile allows for data capture 24/7 from anywhere in the world.

Mobile Characteristics

“You can’t miss it”

Geo-tools enable sophisticated promotion methods based on customers’ locale. Alerts can be sent to customers who are close by, making it easy for people to find your physical address and entice impulse purchases.

Forcing the Point

Push notifications allow for potential customers to be instantly updated on special offers and influence purchases online.

Staying Connected vs Oral Hygiene

More people own a mobile device (4.8billion) than a toothbrush (4.25billion) – Source: DigitalAge

Technological advances

Speed’s not an Issue

4G will become the mainstream source of Internet browsing from devices, eradicating interruptions and thus encouraging Internet adoption.

Profitable and Protected

Ebay forecasted $10billion of sales via mobile devices in 2012 – Source: Ebay Developers have more ability to construct engaging, creative and secure domains for their customers to interact with than ever before. As ecommerce becomes easier and more fun to interact with usage and sales will increase.

Easy Peasy

Gartner suggests that global mobile app downloads will increase from 45 billion in 2012 to 309 billion by 2016.

One would be forgiven for seeing the economy as ‘doomy and gloomy’, especially in light of the recent troubles large retailers such as, HMV, Blockbusters and Jessops have encountered. However, there are opportunities out there that brands can take advantage of if they look at innovating and embracing service offerings, which means change but what’s wrong with that?

The biggest failing these retail giants are guilty of was fighting industrial changes on a macro-level. Change that provided opportunities for competitors to rise as substitutes, offering products/services in a way that some companies were failing to do, i.e. combining the digital and physical worlds. The lesson here is to always strive to do more, try different and never rest on laurels.

Click here – Take advantage of our fantastic mobile website sale – Now on! 

We can help you creatively streamline your marketing activity across the ‘right’ mediums. Call us today and arrange a meeting with our expert team to discuss your business and marketing objectives for 2013.

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EDGE Creative is built up of digital marketing experts with a broad range of talents. With dedicated team members for developing marketing strategies, content writing, web development, graphic design, and more, you can be sure that the advice and expertise we offer is market leading and cutting EDGE, helping you stay well ahead of your competition.