
EDGE Networking events

Networking events work as a great tool to promote your business and develop strong professional relationships with other people within your industry. Start building relationships and soon your associations will lead to strategic alliances, joint ventures and referrals.
Not only this, networking events also act as a channel to stay updated with current trends and collect information which can be used to give yourself a leg up on your competition.


An EDGE networking event allows our clients to meet like-minded individuals and grow their business connections. We believe that meeting others face-to-face via a networking environment is one of the best ways to help reach out to multiple connections in one go whilst building authentic relationships.
If you are interested in attending an EDGE client networking event, register your interest here. If, however, you are interested in organising your own networking event, we can help with that too. Sponsor your own event.

How do EDGE approach their networking events?

Our events are organised as a special thank you to our clients and partners across the country. Our experience in running events means that we have developed a multi-stage approach to our EDGE events:

Our multi-stage approach to our EDGE events

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    We like to use our networking events as an opportunity to thank our clients and partners. Picking a fun theme is imperative to attracting guests and making our clients feel appreciated.
    Previous themes have included ‘Live like the Captain’, for our rum-themed event, ‘High-Spirited Networking’ for our Botanical vodka event and ‘It’s a lovely day for networking’ for our Guinness-themed event.

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    Choosing the right location is a vital step to the success of a networking event. Pick somewhere too loud and your guests won’t have the chance to speak comfortably. Pick somewhere too quiet, and you set an atmosphere of awkwardness which can make it an unenjoyable event for everyone.
    Our partnerships with various venues across Birmingham mean that we can offer some of the best locations the West Midlands has to offer. We have hosted our networking events at several award-winning venues including St Pauls House, The Jam House, St John’s Hotel and Solihull Moors FC, as well as at many boardrooms across the West Midlands.

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    Once we have selected the venue, date and theme, we send out our invitations. Although our events are free of charge, they are by invitation only. To register your interest, please sign up here: Register Interest.

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    Our events see in excess of 90 guests in attendance for evenings of tasting cocktails and drinks, making new connections and having fun. We often run business card draw competitions to close the evening, awarding the lucky winner with a prize.
    ‘Many thanks for a lovely evening. I met some really great people from a variety of businesses and hope to meet up with them again in due course.’ – David Wheeler, Birmingham Films.
    If you are interested in organising your own networking event, we can support you throughout the process. Find out more about sponsoring your own event.

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